Ezra Cipes
September 20, 2010 | Winemaking, Winemaking, Winemaking, Winemaking | Ezra Cipes

First Crush 2010


A sane person's Gravatar
A sane person
@ Jan 14, 2011 at 10:13 PM
So you're the winery that thinks new-age claptrap like a giant prefab pyramid will improve your product, right? Wow. I'm guessing such abject ignorance is expressed in the quality of your wine, as well...

Jane Rodney's Gravatar
Jane Rodney
@ Jan 15, 2011 at 1:22 PM
Why so angry 'sane person'? Summerhill's wine is the best and the pyramid is cool. It's like being in a cathedral.

Costa Gavaris's Gravatar
Costa Gavaris
@ Apr 28, 2011 at 12:52 PM
Dear Sane Person (self-appointed),

Try the wine...whether the pyramid affects the quality or not the product is outstanding. Especially the Cipes Gabriel. I also long for the now extinct Blanc de Noir!

Unless you are the worlds most emphatic athiest, you probably believe crazier things. Regardless, you seem like a sad person, must be hard to have been born without taste buds.

Love anyway,


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